Category: Uncategorized

  • Cisco’s CVE Alert: Oct. 2023

    Cisco’s CVE Alert: Oct. 2023

    On October 17th, 2023, Cisco issued a warning regarding a critical security vulnerability (CVE-2023-20198) affecting its IOS XE software12. The vulnerability, which has a severity rating of 10.0 on the CVSS scoring system, exists in the web UI feature of IOS XE and could allow an unauthenticated remote attacker to create a privileged account on affected…

  • Bridging Technical Expertise and Sales Acumen: The Life of a Sales Engineer in Cybersecurity

    Introduction: A Sales Engineer in the dynamic field of cybersecurity plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the digital fortress of organizations. This post will elucidate the fine balance between technical prowess and sales skills required for this position. The Technical-Sales Spectrum: A Sales Engineer, one must embody technical depth to comprehend the intricate workings of…

  • What is a DNS Firewall?

    DNS firewall is a security tool that blocks malicious DNS traffic and prevents cyber threats. 🚫🔒 Protect your network by using a DNS firewall, implementing DNS-based filtering, and regularly updating your security settings. Stay safe and secure online! #DNSFirewall #CyberSecurity

  • What is DNS Spoofing?

    DNS spoofing is a technique that allows cybercriminals to impersonate legitimate DNS servers. 🔍🛑 Protect your network by using a trusted DNS resolver, enabling DNSSEC, and regularly monitoring your DNS traffic for anomalies. Stay vigilant against DNS-based attacks! #DNSSpoofing #NetworkSecurity

  • What is DNS Sinkholing?

    DNS sinkholing is a technique that redirects traffic from malicious sites to a safe server. 🚨🔒 Protect yourself from malware by using a DNS sinkhole, enabling DNS filtering, and regularly updating your anti-malware software. Stay safe from cyber threats! #DNSSinkholing #MalwareProtection #ITSecurity

  • What is DNS rebinding?

    DNS rebinding is an attack that tricks a victim’s browser into accessing a malicious site. 🔍🛑 Protect yourself by using a secure browser, configuring your DNS settings properly, and disabling JavaScript on untrusted sites. Stay safe from DNS-based attacks! #DNSRebinding #BrowserSecurity #TopITTechSecurity #DNSSecurity

  • What is DNS Tunneling

    DNS tunneling is a covert technique that allows cybercriminals to bypass firewalls and exfiltrate data. 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️ Protect your network by disabling DNS tunneling, using secure DNS resolvers, and monitoring your DNS traffic for anomalies. #DNSTunneling #TopITTech #DNSSecurity

  • What is a DNS Amplification attack?

    DNS amplification attacks use DNS servers to flood a target with massive amounts of traffic, leading to denial of service. 🔥🚫 Protect your server by securing your DNS configuration, implementing rate limiting, and disabling open recursive queries. #DNSAmplification #ServerSecurity

  • What is DNS Security?

    DNS security is crucial for your online safety! 🌐🔒 DNS servers, Domain Name Servers, translate domain names into IP addresses and route traffic on the internet. A compromised DNS an lead to phishing attacks, malware infections, and other cyber threats. It is like asking people that you don’t know in a city for directions. You…

  • How to create strong passwords!

    In today’s digital age, strong passwords are essential to secure your online accounts and protect your personal information. A weak password can easily be guessed or hacked, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft, cybercrime, and other malicious activities. To ensure that your online accounts are secure, here are a few tips for creating strong passwords:…